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Call Collaborative Research 2020
This call was launched on February 24th and applications were invited until July 6th. The aim of this call is to support high-risk/high gain research initiatives within the scope of CORTEX.
Five projects were submitted and funded:
The ethics of information transmission (Villeval/Dreher – 150K€)
Reinforce naive pluripotency and access chimeric competency by manipulating Netrin-1 signalling in human and non-human primate embryonic stem cells (Savatier/Lavial – 150K€)
Whole brain probing of neuronal activity disturbances in health and pathologies (Raineteau/Luppi/Mandairon – 225K€)
Monitoring interneuron-glia interactions during plasticity (Pascual/Seugnet/Gentet – 101K€)
Evaluation of tractographis determination of cortical connectivity in macaque using retrograde-tracing (Kennedy/Hiba – 100K€)