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Published on January 10, 2019 | Updated on January 10, 2019
Clémence Joubert
May 21, 2018
Cognitive and physical training in normal aging: behavioral study and neurophysiological perspectives
The topic of this presentation is the impact of cognitive and physical training in age-related cognitive deficit. We know that aging impacts working memory, speed processing and executive functions. Some models of the literature showed positive and negative factors that impact brain structure and function all along life, but also interventions in aging that can delay the age-related deficit. In this work, we focused on non-pharmacological interventions such as cognitive and physical training, which have been shown to support cognitive functions, and delay neurodegenerative processes. As there are benefits from either cognitive and physical training alone, our objectives are to show if a combination of cognitive and physical aspects in one training would lead to better benefits at (1) behavioral (2) neurophysiological levels. An inter-subject study was designed to evaluate the impact of multiple interventions. There were 3 groups: Cognitive training, Combined Cognitive and Physical training, Control group. Behavioral and neurophysiological measures (EEG) were used to investigate the impact of cognitive and physical training on the aging brain.