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Publications 2013
A.Z. Khan, L. Pisella, L. Delporte, G. Rode, Y. Rossetti (2013) Testing for optic ataxia in a blind field. Front Hum Neurosci, 7(399). PDF
C. Petitmengin, J.P. Lachaux (2013) Microcognitive science: bridging experiential and neuronal microdynamics. Front Hum Neurosci, 7 (617). PDF
C. Delon-Martin, J. Plailly, P. Fonlupt, A. Veyrac, J.P. Royet (2013) Perfumers' expertise induces structural reorganization in olfactory brain regions. Neuroimage, 68 (55-62).
A.L. Saive, N. Ravel, M. Thevenet, J.P. Royet, J. Plailly (2013) A novel experimental approach to episodic memory in humans based on the privileged access of odors to memories, J Neurosci Methods, 213 (22-31)
M. Ercsey-Ravasz, N.T. Markov, C. Lamy, D.C. Van Essen, K. Knoblauch, Z. Toroczkai, H. Kennedy (2013) A predictive network model of cerebral cortical connectivity based on a distance rule. Neuron, 80 (184-197). PDF
F. Osiurak (2013) Tool use and manual actions: The human body as a means versus an end. Cortex, 57(281-282)
K. Roche, H. Chainay (2013) Visually guided grasping of common objects: effects of priming. Visual Cognition, 21 (1010-1032).
F. Osiurak, C. Wagner, S. Djerbi, J. Navarro (2013) To do it or to let an automatic tool do it? The priority of control over effort. Experimental psychology, 60 (453-468).
F. Osiurak, K. Roche, J. Ramone, H. Chainay (2013) Handing a tool to someone can take more time than using it. Cognition, 128 (76-81).
F. Osiurak, C. Jarry, M. Lesourd, J. Baumard, D. Le Gall (2013) Mechanical problem-solving strategies in left-brain damaged patients and apraxia of tool use. Neuropsychologia, 51 (1964-1972).
M. Lesourd, D. Le Gall, J. Baumard, B. Croisile, C. Jarry, F. Osiurak (2013) Apraxia and Alzheimer's disease: review and perspectives. Neuropsychology review, 23 (234-256).
F. Osiurak (2013) Apraxia of tool use is not a matter of affordances. Front Hum Neurosci, 7 (890). PDF
M. Masson, G.A. Michael, J.F. Desert, F. Rhein, L. Foubert, P. Colliot (2013) Specific attention disorders in drivers with traumatic brain injury. Brain injury, 27 (538-547).
M. Desmurget, Z. Song, C. Mottolese, A. Sirigu (2013) Re-establishing the merits of electrical brain stimulation, Trends in cognitive sciences, 17 (442-449). PDF
P. Ruby, C. Blochet, J.B. Eichenlaub, O. Bertrand, D. Morlet, A. Bidet-Caulet (2013) Alpha reactivity to complex sounds differs during REM sleep and wakefulness, PloS one, 8 (e79989). PDF
J. Jung, R. Bouet, C. Delpuech, P. Ryvlin, J. Isnard, M. Guenot, O. Bertrand, A. Hammers, F. Mauguiere (2013) The value of magnetoencephalography for seizure-onset zone localization in magnetic resonance imaging-negative partial epilepsy. Brain: a journal of neurology, 136 (3176-3186). PDF
P. Albouy, K. Schulze, A. Caclin, B. Tillmann (2013) Does tonality boost short-term memory in congenital amusia?Brain research, 1537 (224-232). PDF
P. Albouy, J. Mattout, R. Bouet, E. Maby, G. Sanchez, P.E. Aguera, S. Daligault, C. Delpuech, O. Bertrand, A. Caclin, B. Tillmann (2013) Impaired pitch perception and memory in congenital amusia: the deficit starts in the auditory cortex, Brain : a journal of neurology, 136 (1639-1661). PDF
J. Beugnot, B. Fortin, G. Lacroix, M.C. Villeval (2013) Social networks and peer effects at work. IZA Discussion, paper 7521, Bonn. PDF
M.A. Kuhn, P. Kuhn, M.C. Villeval (2013) The importance of the cognitive environment for intertemporal choice. IZA Discussion, paper 7273, Bonn. PDF
H. Kennedy, K. Knoblauch, Z. Toroczkai (2013) Why data coherence and quality is critical for understanding interareal cortical networks. Neuroimage, 80 (37-45). PDF
N.T. Markov, M. Ercsey-Ravasz, C. Lamy, A.R. Ribeiro Gomes, L. Magrou, P. Misery, P. Giroud, P. Barone, C. Dehay, Z. Toroczkai, K. Knoblauch, D.C. Van Essen, H. Kennedy (2013) The role of long-range connections on the specificity of the macaque interareal cortical network. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 110 (5187-5192). PDF
J. Sallet, N. Camille, E. Procyk, (2013) Modulation of feedback-related negativity during trial-and-error exploration and encoding of behavioral shifts. Front Neurosci, 7 (209). PDF
J.P. Royet, J. Plailly, A.L. Saive, A. Veyrac, C. Delon-Martin (2013) The impact of expertise in olfaction, Front Psychol, 4 (928). PDF
K. Shionoya, C. Hegoburu, B.L. Brown, R.M. Sullivan, V. Doyere, A.M. Mouly (2013) It's time to fear! Interval timing in odor fear conditioning in rats. Front Behav Neurosci, 7 (128). PDF
L. Garcia-Larrea, M. Magnin (2013) A nociceptive thalamus, Headache and pain, IASP Press, Washington DC, 2013.
P. Osteil, Y. Tapponnier, S. Markossian, M. Godet, B. Schmaltz-Panneau, L. Jouneau, C. Cabau, T. Joly, T. Blachere, E. Gocza, A. Bernat, M. Yerle, H. Acloque, S. Hidot, Z. Bosze, V. Duranthon, P. Savatier, M. Afanassieff (2013) Induced pluripotent stem cells derived from rabbits exhibit some characteristics of naive pluripotency. Biol Open, 2 (613-628). PDF
N.T. Markov, M. Ercsey-Ravasz, D.C. Van Essen, K. Knoblauch, Z. Toroczkai, H. Kennedy (2013) Cortical high-density counterstream architectures. Science, 342 (1238406). PDF
J.C. Dreher (2013) Neural coding of computational factors affecting decision making. Prog Brain Res, 202 (289-320).
S. Frismand, H. Salem, M. Panouilleres, D. Pelisson, S. Jacobs, A. Vighetto, F. Cotton, C. Tilikete (2013) MRI findings in AOA2: Cerebellar atrophy and abnormal iron detection in dentate nucleus. Neuroimage Clin, 2(542-548). PDF
D. Levy-Bencheton, L. Pisella, R. Salemme, C. Tilikete, D. Pelisson (2013) Plastic modification of anti-saccades: adaptation of saccadic eye movements aimed at a virtual target, J Neurosci, 33 (13489-13497). PDF
M. Panouilleres, N. Alahyane, C. Urquizar, R. Salemme, N. Nighoghossian, B. Gaymard, C. Tilikete, D. Pelisson (2013) Effects of structural and functional cerebellar lesions on sensorimotor adaptation of saccades, Exp Brain Res, 231 (1-11).
L. Garcia-Larrea, R. Peyron (2013) Pain matrices and neuropathic pain matrices: a review. Pain, 154 Suppl 1 (S29-43). PDF
J. Thomas, G. Vanni-Mercier, J.C. Dreher (2013) Neural dynamics of reward probability coding: a Magnetoencephalographic study in humans. Front Neurosci, 7 (214). PDF
J.P. Royet, C. Delon-Martin, J. Plailly (2013) Odor mental imagery in non-experts in odors: a paradox? Front Hum Neurosci, 7 (87). PDF
M. Betizeau, V. Cortay, D. Patti, S. Pfister, E. Gautier, A. Bellemin-Menard, M. Afanassieff, C. Huissoud, R.J. Douglas, H. Kennedy, C. Dehay (2013) Precursor diversity and complexity of lineage relationships in the outer subventricular zone of the primate, Neuron, 80 (442-457). PDF