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Publications 2016
R. Baeriswyl, C. Cornand (2016) The predominant role of signals precision in experimental beauty contest, B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 16: 267-301. PDF
M.C. Villeval (2016) Can lab experiments help design personnel policies? IZA World of labor. DOI:10.15185/izawol.318 PDF
R.P. Najjar, P. Teikari, P.L. Cornut, K. Knoblauch, H.M. Cooper, C. Gronfier (2016) Heterochromatic Flicker Photometry for Objective Lens Density Quantification, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 57: 1063-1071. PDF
E. Bellot, V. Coizet, J. Warnking, K. Knoblauch, E. Moro, M. Dojat (2016) Effects of aging on low luminance contrast processing in humans, Neuroimage, 139: 415-426.
C.J. Donahue, S.N. Sotiropoulos, S. Jbabdi, M. Hernandez-Fernandez, T.E. Behrens, T.B. Dyrby, T. Coalson, H. Kennedy, K. Knoblauch, D.C. Van Essen, M.F. Glasser (2016) Using Diffusion Tractography to Predict Cortical Connection Strength and Distance: A Quantitative Comparison with Tracers in the Monkey, J Neurosci, 36: 6758-6770. PDF
J.F. Mejias, J.D. Murray, H. Kennedy, X.J. Wang (2016) Feedforward and feedback frequency-dependent interactions in a large-scale laminar network of the primate cortex, Sci Adv, 2: e1601335. PDF
S. Horvat, R. Gamanut, M. Ercsey-Ravasz, L. Magrou, B. Gamanut, D.C. Van Essen, A. Burkhalter, K. Knoblauch, Z. Toroczkai, H. Kennedy (2016) Spatial Embedding and Wiring Cost Constrain the Functional Layout of the Cortical Network of Rodents and Primates, PLoS Biol, 14: e1002512. PDF
X.J. Wang, H. Kennedy (2016) Brain structure and dynamics across scales: in search of rules, Curr Opin Neurobiol, 37: 92-98. PDF
G. Michalareas, J. Vezoli, S. van Pelt, J.M. Schoffelen, H. Kennedy, P. Fries (2016) Alpha-Beta and Gamma Rhythms Subserve Feedback and Feedforward Influences among Human Visual Cortical Areas, Neuron, 89: 384-397. PDF
M. Pfeiffer, M. Betizeau, J. Waltispurger, S.S. Pfister, R.J. Douglas, H. Kennedy, C. Dehay (2016) Unsupervised lineage-based characterization of primate precursors reveals high proliferative and morphological diversity in the OSVZ, J Comp Neurol, 524: 535-563. PDF
L.C. Lins, F. Wianny, S. Livi, I.A. Hidalgo, C. Dehay, J. Duchet-Rumeau, J.F. Gerard (2016) Development of Bioresorbable Hydrophilic-Hydrophobic Electrospun Scaffolds for Neural Tissue Engineering, Biomacromolecules, 17: 3172-3187.
L.C. Lins, F. Wianny, S. Livi, C. Dehay, J. Duchet-Rumeau, J.F. Gerard (2016) Effect of polyvinylidene fluoride electrospun fiber orientation on neural stem cell differentiation, J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater, DOI 10.1002/jbm.b.33778.
M. Betizeau, C. Dehay (2016) From stem cells to comparative corticogenesis: a bridge too far? Stem Cell Investig, 3: 39. PDF
J. Corlier, D. Rimsky-Robert, M. Valderrama, K. Lehongre, C. Adam, S. Clemenceau, S. Charpier, J. Bastin, P. Kahane, J.P. Lachaux, V. Navarro, M. Le Van Quyen (2016) Self-induced intracerebral gamma oscillations in the human cortex, Brain: a journal of neurology, 139: 3084-3091. PDF
A. Thillay, M. Lemaire, S. Roux, E. Houy-Durand, C. Barthelemy, R.T. Knight, A. Bidet-Caulet, F. Bonnet-Brilhault (2016) Atypical Brain Mechanisms of Prediction According to Uncertainty in Autism, Front Neurosci, 10: 317. PDF
D. Muret, S. Daligault, H.R. Dinse, C. Delpuech, J. Mattout, K.T. Reilly, A. Farne (2016) Neuromagnetic correlates of adaptive plasticity across the hand-face border in human primary somatosensory cortex, Journal of neurophysiology, 115: 2095-2104. PDF
J.L. Soto, J.P. Lachaux, S. Baillet, K. Jerbi (2016) A multivariate method for estimating cross-frequency neuronal interactions and correcting linear mixing in MEG data, using canonical correlations, J Neurosci Methods, 271: 169-181.
A.S. Hincapie, J. Kujala, J. Mattout, S. Daligault, C. Delpuech, D. Mery, D. Cosmelli, K. Jerbi (2016) MEG Connectivity and Power Detections with Minimum Norm Estimates Require Different Regularization Parameters, Comput Intell Neurosci, 2016: 3979547. PDF
Y. Leveque, B. Fauvel, M. Groussard, A. Caclin, P. Albouy, H. Platel, B. Tillmann (2016) Altered intrinsic connectivity of the auditory cortex in congenital amusia, Journal of neurophysiology, 116: 88-97.
S.V. Norman-Haignere, P. Albouy, A. Caclin, J.H. McDermott, N.G. Kanwisher, B. Tillmann (2016) Pitch-Responsive Cortical Regions in Congenital Amusia, J Neurosci, 36: 2986-2994. PDF
B. Tillmann, P. Lalitte, P. Albouy, A. Caclin, E. Bigand (2016) Discrimination of tonal and atonal music in congenital amusia: The advantage of implicit tasks, Neuropsychologia, 85: 10-18.
A. Moulin, C. Richard (2016) Validation of a French-Language Version of the Spatial Hearing Questionnaire, Cluster Analysis and Comparison with the Speech, Spatial, and Qualities of Hearing Scale, Ear Hear, 37: 412-423.
P. Albouy, M. Cousineau, A. Caclin, B. Tillmann, I. Peretz (2016) Impaired encoding of rapid pitch information underlies perception and memory deficits in congenital amusia, Sci Rep, 6: 18861. PDF
M.C. Villeval (2016) L'économie comportementale du marché du travail.
N. Hanaki, N. Jacquemet, S. Luchini, A. Zylbersztejn (2016) Fluid Intelligence and Cognitive Reflection in a Strategic Environment: Evidence from Dominance-Solvable Games, Front Psychol, 7: 1188. PDF
L. Hao, D. Houser, L. Mao, M.C. Villeval (2016) Migrations, risks, and uncertainty: A field experiment in China, Journal of economic behaviour and organisation, 131: 126-140.
V. Maggian, M.C. Villeval (2016) Social preferences and lying aversion in children, Experimental Economics, 19: 663-685.
J. Rosaz, R. Slonim, M.C. Villeval (2016) Quitting and peer effects at work, Labour economics, 39: 55-67.
T. Bjedov, T. Madiès, M.C. Villeval (2016) Communication and coordination in a Two-Stage Game, Economic Inquiry, 54: 1519-1540.
Q. Nguyen, M.C. Villeval, H. Xu (2016) Trust under the Prospect Theory and Quasi-Hyperbolic Preferences: A Field Experiment in Vietnam, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 64: 545-572. PDF
H. Bastuji, M. Frot, C. Perchet, M. Magnin, L. Garcia-Larrea (2016) Pain networks from the inside: Spatiotemporal analysis of brain responses leading from nociception to conscious perception, Human brain mapping, 37: 4301-4315.
H. Bastuji, M. Frot, S. Mazza, C. Perchet, M. Magnin, L. Garcia-Larrea (2016) Thalamic Responses to Nociceptive-Specific Input in Humans: Functional Dichotomies and Thalamo-Cortical Connectivity, Cereb Cortex, 26: 2663-2676. PDF
N. Vartiainen, C. Perchet, M. Magnin, C. Creac'h, P. Convers, N. Nighoghossian, F. Mauguiere, R. Peyron, L. Garcia-Larrea (2016) Thalamic pain: anatomical and physiological indices of prediction, Brain: a journal of neurology, 139: 708-722. PDF
C. Jarry, F. Osiurak, F. Etcharry-Bouyx, J. Baumard, M. Lesourd, D. Le Gall (2016) Stratégies d’évaluation des troubles d’utilisation d’outils, Revue de neuropsychologie, 8: 108-117.
D. Le Gall, C. Jarry, J. Besnard, F. Etcharry-Bouyx, J. Baumard, M. Lesourd, F. Osiurak (2016) L’apraxie dans les pathologies neurodégénératives. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 8 : 77-85.
S. Mazza, E. Gerbier, M.P. Gustin, Z. Kasikci, O. Koenig, T.C. Toppino, M. Magnin (2016) Relearn Faster and Retain Longer, Psychol Sci, 27: 1321-1330.
J. Navarro, E. Yousfi, J. Deniel, C. Jallais, M. Bueno, A. Fort (2016) The impact of false warnings on partial and full lane departure warnings effectiveness and acceptance in car driving, Ergonomics, 59: 1553-1564.
J. Navarro, C. Jarry, F. Etcharry-Bouyx, J. Baumard, M. Lesourd, D. Le Gall (2016) Bases neurocognitives de l’utilisation d’outils. Revue de neuropsychologie, 8.
G.A. Michael, R. Mizzi, C. Couffe, G. Galvez-Garcia, E. Labeye (2016) Spotting from the rightmost deep: A temporal field advantage in a behavioural task of attention and filtering, AIMS Neuroscience, 3: 56-66. PDF
J. Grainger, D. Bertrand, B. Lete, E. Beyersmann, J.C. Ziegler (2016) A developmental investigation of the first-letter advantage, J Exp Child Psychol, 152: 161-172.
A. Potocki, J. Ecalle, A. Magnan (2016) Early cognitive and linguistic profiles of different types of 7- to 8-year-old readers, Journal of Research in Reading, DOI.
A.E. Rey, S. Dabic, R. Versace, J. Navarro (2016) The Reactivation of Motion Influences Size Categorization in a Visuo-Haptic Illusion, Am J Psychol, 129: 235-244.
A.A. Sava, C. Paquet, J. Dumurgier, J. Hugon, H. Chainay (2016) The role of attention in emotional memory enhancement in pathological and healthy aging, J Clin Exp Neuropsychol, 38: 434-454.
F. Osiurak, E. Reynaud, J. Navarro, M. Lesourd (2016) Commentary: Effects of dividing attention on memory for declarative and procedural aspects of tool use, Front Psychol, 7: 1488. PDF
F. Osiurak, E. De Oliveira, J. Navarro, M. Lesourd, N. Claidiere, E. Reynaud (2016) Physical intelligence does matter to cumulative technological culture, J Exp Psychol Gen, 145: 941-948.
E. Reynaud, M. Lesourd, J. Navarro, F. Osiurak (2016) On the neurocognitive origins of human tool use : A critical review of neuroimaging data, Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 64: 421-437.
S. Dabic, A.E. Rey, J. Navarro, R. Versace (2016) Haptic modality takes its time: Dynamic of activations of sensory modalities in perceptual and memory processes, Int J Psychol, DOI 10.1002/ijop.12368.
C. Couffe, R. Mizzi, G.A. Michael (2016) Salience-based progression of visual attention: Time course, Psychologie Française, 61.
M. Lesourd, J. Baumard, C. Jarry, F. Etcharry-Bouyx, S. Belliard, O. Moreaud, B. Croisile, V. Chauvire, M. Granjon, D. Le Gall, F. Osiurak (2016) Mechanical problem-solving strategies in Alzheimer's disease and semantic dementia, Neuropsychology, 30: 612-623.
C. Jarry, F. Osiurak, J. Besnard, J. Baumard, M. Lesourd, B. Croisile, F. Etcharry-Bouyx, V. Chauvire, D (2016) Le Gall, Tool use in left brain damage and Alzheimer's disease: What about function and manipulation knowledge?, J Neuropsychol, 10: 154-159.
J. Baumard, M. Lesourd, C. Jarry, C. Merck, F. Etcharry-Bouyx, V. Chauvire, S. Belliard, O. Moreaud, B. Croisile, F. Osiurak, D. Le Gall (2016) Tool use disorders in neurodegenerative diseases: Roles of semantic memory and technical reasoning, Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior, 82: 119-132.
C. Remigereau, A. Roy, O. Costini, F. Osiurak, C. Jarry, D. Le Gall (2016) Involvement of Technical Reasoning More Than Functional Knowledge in Development of Tool Use in Childhood, Front Psychol, 7: 1625. PDF
R. Mizzi, G.A. Michael (2016) Exploring visual attention functions of the human extrageniculate pathways through behavioral cues, Psychol Rev, 123: 740-757.
N. Noraz, I. Jaaoini, C. Charoy, C. Watrin, N. Chounlamountri, A. Benon, C. Malleval, H. Boudin, J. Honnorat, V. Castellani, V. Pellier-Monnin (2016) Syk kinases are required for spinal commissural axon repulsion at the midline via the ephrin/Eph pathway, Development, 143: 2183-2193. PDF
A. Pignata, H. Ducuing, V. Castellani (2016) Commissural axon navigation: Control of midline crossing in the vertebrate spinal cord by the semaphorin 3B signaling, Cell Adh Migr, 10: 604-617. PDF
A. Lefevre, A. Sirigu (2016) The two fold role of oxytocin in social developmental disorders: A cause and a remedy? Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 63: 168-176.
A. Sirigu, J.R. Duhamel (2016) Reward and decision processes in the brains of humans and nonhuman primates, Dialogues Clin Neurosci, 18: 45-53. PDF
P. Vindras, A. Blangero, H. Ota, K.T. Reilly, Y. Rossetti, L. Pisella (2016) The Pointing Errors in Optic Ataxia Reveal the Role of "Peripheral Magnification" of the PPC, Front Integr Neurosci, 10: 27. PDF
M. Martel, L. Cardinali, A.C. Roy, A. Farne (2016) Tool-use: An open window into body representation and its plasticity, Cogn Neuropsychol, 33: 82-101. PDF
L. Cardinali, C. Brozzoli, L. Finos, A.C. Roy, A. Farne (2016) The rules of tool incorporation: Tool morpho-functional & sensori-motor constraints, Cognition, 149: 1-5.
L. Cardinali, C. Brozzoli, J. Luaute, A.C. Roy, A. Farne (2016) Proprioception Is Necessary for Body Schema Plasticity: Evidence from a Deafferented Patient, Front Hum Neurosci, 10: 272. PDF
I. Patane, A. Farne, F. Frassinetti (2016) Prismatic Adaptation Induces Plastic Changes onto Spatial and Temporal Domains in Near and Far Space, Neural Plast, 2016: 3495075. PDF
E. Martin-Arevalo, I. Laube, E. Koun, A. Farne, K.T. Reilly, L. Pisella (2016) Prism Adaptation Alters Electrophysiological Markers of Attentional Processes in the Healthy Brain, J Neurosci, 36: 1019-1030. PDF
E. Raffin, N. Richard, P. Giraux, K.T. Reilly (2016) Primary motor cortex changes after amputation correlate with phantom limb pain and the ability to move the phantom limb, Neuroimage, 130: 134-144.
S. Schintu, E. Martin-Arevalo, M. Vesia, Y. Rossetti, R. Salemme, L. Pisella, A. Farne, K.T. Reilly (2016) Paired-Pulse Parietal-Motor Stimulation Differentially Modulates Corticospinal Excitability across Hemispheres When Combined with Prism Adaptation, Neural Plast, 2016: 5716179. PDF
D. Muret, S. Daligault, H.R. Dinse, C. Delpuech, J. Mattout, K.T. Reilly, A. Farne (2016) Neuromagnetic correlates of adaptive plasticity across the hand-face border in human primary somatosensory cortex, Journal of neurophysiology, 115: 2095-2104. PDF
L. Huchon, L. Badet, A.C. Roy, L. Finos, A. Gazarian, P. Revol, L. Bernardon, Y. Rossetti, E. Morelon, G. Rode, A. Farne (2016) Grasping objects by former amputees: The visuo-motor control of allografted hands, Restor Neurol Neurosci, 34: 615-633.
C. Mercier, M. Gagne, K.T. Reilly, L.J. Bouyer (2016) Effect of Experimental Cutaneous Hand Pain on Corticospinal Excitability and Short Afferent Inhibition, Brain Sci, 6 (4). PDF
I. Patane, T. Iachini, A. Farne, F. Frassinetti (2016) Disentangling Action from Social Space: Tool-Use Differently Shapes the Space around Us, PloS one, 11: e0154247. PDF
P.O. Jacquet, A.C. Roy, V. Chambon, A.M. Borghi, R. Salemme, A. Farne, K.T. Reilly (2016) Changing ideas about others' intentions: updating prior expectations tunes activity in the human motor system, Sci Rep, 6: 26995. PDF
M.T. Panouilleres, V. Gaveau, J. Debatisse, P. Jacquin, M. LeBlond, D. Pelisson (2016) Oculomotor Adaptation Elicited By Intra-Saccadic Visual Stimulation: Time-Course of Efficient Visual Target Perturbation, Front Hum Neurosci, 10: 91. PDF
L. Christophe, E. Chabanat, L. Delporte, P. Revol, S. Jacquin-Courtois, P. Volckmann, Y. Rossetti (2016) Prisms to shift pain away: Physiopathological and therapeutic exploration of CRPS with prism adaptation, Ann Phys Rehabil Med, 59S: e145-e146. PDF
C. Guedj, E. Monfardini, A.J. Reynaud, A. Farne, M. Meunier, F. Hadj-Bouziane (2016) Boosting Norepinephrine Transmission Triggers Flexible Reconfiguration of Brain Networks at Rest, Cereb Cortex, DOI 10.1093/cercor/bhw262. PDF
E. Astrand, C. Wardak, P. Baraduc, S. Ben Hamed (2016) Direct Two-Dimensional Access to the Spatial Location of Covert Attention in Macaque Prefrontal Cortex, Current biology: CB, 26: 1699-1704. PDF
J.P. Royet, D. Meunier, N. Torquet, A.M. Mouly, T. Jiang (2016) The Neural Bases of Disgust for Cheese: An fMRI Study, Front Hum Neurosci, 10: 511. PDF
J. Boulanger Bertolus, A.M. Mouly, R.M. Sullivan (2016) Ecologically relevant neurobehavioral assessment of the development of threat learning, Learn Mem, 23: 556-566. PDF
L. Lefevre, E. Courtiol, S. Garcia, M. Thevenet, B. Messaoudi, N. Buonviso (2016) Significance of sniffing pattern during the acquisition of an olfactory discrimination task, Behavioural brain research, 312: 341-354.
M. Allerborn, A. Gros, B. Messaoudi, D. Gervasoni, S. Garcia, M. Thevenet, S. Laroche, A. Veyrac, N. Ravel (2016) A Novel Task for Studying Memory of Occasional Events in Rats, Bio-protocol, 6. PDF
R. Ligneul, J.C. Dreher (2016) Social Dominance Representations in the Human Brain, in: J.C. Dreher, L. Tremblay (Eds.) Decision Neuroscience: an integrative approach, Academic Press.
R. Ligneul, I. Obeso, C.C. Ruff, J.C. Dreher (2016) Dynamical Representation of Dominance Relationships in the Human Rostromedial Prefrontal Cortex, Current biology: CB, 26: 3107-3115. PDF
K. Khalvati, S.A. Park, J.C. Dreher, R.P.N. Rao (2016) A Probabilistic Model of Social Decision Making based on Reward Maximization, NIPS, Barcelona.
Y. Saga, L. Tremblay (2016) Ventral Striatopallidal Pathways Involved in Appetitive and Aversive Motivational Processes, in: J.C. Dreher, L. Tremblay (Eds.) Decision neuroscience: an integrative approach, Academic Press.
Y. Saga, A. Richard, V. Sgambato-Faure, E. Hoshi, P.N. Tobler, L. Tremblay (2016) Ventral Pallidum Encodes Contextual Information and Controls Aversive Behaviors, Cereb Cortex, DOI 10.1093/cercor/bhw107. PDF
A. Maillet, P. Krack, E. Lhommee, E. Metereau, H. Klinger, E. Favre, D. Le Bars, E. Schmitt, A. Bichon, P. Pelissier, V. Fraix, A. Castrioto, V. Sgambato-Faure, E. Broussolle, L. Tremblay, S. Thobois (2016) The prominent role of serotonergic degeneration in apathy, anxiety and depression in de novo Parkinson's disease, Brain : a journal of neurology, 139: 2486-2502. PDF
F. Wianny, T. Blachere, M. Godet, R. Guillermas, V. Cortay, P.Y. Bourillot, A. Lefevre, P. Savatier, C. Dehay (2016) Epigenetic status of H19/IGF2 and SNRPN imprinted genes in aborted and successfully derived embryonic stem cell lines in non-human primates, Stem Cell Res, 16: 557-567. PDF
P. Osteil, A. Moulin, C. Santamaria, T. Joly, L. Jouneau, M. Aubry, Y. Tapponnier, C. Archilla, B. Schmaltz-Panneau, J. Lecardonnel, H. Barasc, N. Mouney-Bonnet, C. Genthon, A. Roulet, C. Donnadieu, H. Acloque, E. Gocza, V. Duranthon, M. Afanassieff, P. Savatier (2016) A Panel of Embryonic Stem Cell Lines Reveals the Variety and Dynamic of Pluripotent States in Rabbits, Stem Cell Reports, 7: 383-398. PDF
C.R. Wilson, J. Vezoli, F.M. Stoll, M.C. Faraut, V. Leviel, K. Knoblauch, E. Procyk (2016) Prefrontal Markers and Cognitive Performance Are Dissociated during Progressive Dopamine Lesion, PLoS Biol, 14: e1002576. PDF
P. Enel, E. Procyk, R. Quilodran, P.F. Dominey (2016) Reservoir Computing Properties of Neural Dynamics in Prefrontal Cortex, PLoS Comput Biol, 12: e1004967. PDF
C. Amiez, M.G. Wutte, I. Faillenot, M. Petrides, B. Burle, E. Procyk (2016) Single subject analyses reveal consistent recruitment of frontal operculum in performance monitoring, Neuroimage, 133: 266-278.
F.M. Stoll, V. Fontanier, E. Procyk (2016) Specific frontal neural dynamics contribute to decisions to check, Nature communications, 7: 11990. PDF
J.C. Dreher, S. Dunne, A. Pazderska, T. Frodl, J.J. Nolan, J.P. O'Doherty (2016) Testosterone causes both prosocial and antisocial status-enhancing behaviors in human males, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 113: 11633-11638. PDF
S. Marchal, O. Bregeras, D. Puaux, R. Gervais, B. Ferry (2016) Rigorous Training of Dogs Leads to High Accuracy in Human Scent Matching-To-Sample Performance, PloS one, 11: e0146963. PDF
B. Wicker, E. Monfardini, J.P. Royet (2016) Olfactory processing in adults with autism spectrum disorders, Mol Autism, 7: 4. PDF
Y. Li, G. Vanni-Mercier, J. Isnard, F. Mauguiere, J.C. Dreher (2016) The neural dynamics of reward value and risk coding in the human orbitofrontal cortex, Brain: a journal of neurology, DOI 10.1093/brain/awv409. PDF
V. Hoareau, B. Lemaire, S. Portrat, G. Plancher (2016) Reconciling Two Computational Models of Working Memory in Aging, Top Cogn Sci, 8: 264-278. PDF
S. Ballesta, G. Reymond, M. Pozzobon, J.R. Duhamel (2016) Effects of MDMA Injections on the Behavior of Socially-Housed Long-Tailed Macaques (Macaca fascicularis), PloS one, 11: e0147136. PDF
J. Sliwa, A. Plante, J.R. Duhamel, S. Wirth (2016) Independent Neuronal Representation of Facial and Vocal Identity in the Monkey Hippocampus and Inferotemporal Cortex, Cereb Cortex, 26: 950-966. PDF
B. Tillmann, Y. Leveque, L. Fornoni, P. Albouy, A. Caclin (2016) Impaired short-term memory for pitch in congenital amusia, Brain research, 1640: 251-263.
F.M. Stoll, C.R. Wilson, M.C. Faraut, J. Vezoli, K. Knoblauch, E. Procyk (2016) The Effects of Cognitive Control and Time on Frontal Beta Oscillations, Cereb Cortex, DOI 10.1093/cercor/bhv006. PDF
M.C. Faraut, E. Procyk, C.R. Wilson (2016) Learning to learn about uncertain feedback, Learn Mem, 23: 90-98. PDF
N. Hanaki, N. Jacquemet, S. Luchini, A. Zylberstejn (2016) Cognitive ability and the effect of strategic uncertainty, Theory and Decision, 81: 101-121.
C. Bradley, C. Perchet, T. Lelekov-Boissard, M. Magnin, L. Garcia-Larrea (2016) Not an Aspirin: No Evidence for Acute Anti-Nociception to Laser-Evoked Pain After Motor Cortex rTMS in Healthy Humans, Brain stimulation, 9: 48-57.
C. Bradley, N. Joyce, L. Garcia-Larrea (2016) Adaptation in human somatosensory cortex as a model of sensory memory construction: a study using high-density EEG, Brain structure & function, 221: 421-431.
V. Sgambato-Faure, Y. Worbe, J. Epinat, J. Feger, L. Tremblay (2016) Cortico-basal ganglia circuits involved in different motivation disorders in non-human primates, Brain structure & function, DOI 10.1007/s00429-014-0911-9.
E. Procyk, C.R. Wilson, F.M. Stoll, M.C. Faraut, M. Petrides, C. Amiez (2016) Midcingulate Motor Map and Feedback Detection: Converging Data from Humans and Monkeys, Cereb Cortex, DOI 10.1093/cercor/bhu213. PDF