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Publications 2017
M. Corazzol, G. Lio, A. Lefevre, G. Deiana, L. Tell, N. Andre-Obadia, P. Bourdillon, M. Guenot, M. Desmurget, J. Luaute, A. Sirigu (2017) Restoring consciousness with vagus nerve stimulation, Current biology: CB, 27 R994-R996. PDF
C. Cornand (2017) Appraising sticky prices, sticky information and limited higher order beliefs in light of experimental data, in: U.K. Frank Heinemann, Sebastian Watzka (Ed.) Monetary Policy, Financial Crises, and the Macroeconomy : Festschrift for Gerhard Illing, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.
R. Chaix, M.J. Alvarez-Lopez, M. Fagny, L. Lemee, B. Regnault, R.J. Davidson, A. Lutz, P. Kaliman (2017) Epigenetic clock analysis in long-term meditators, Psychoneuroendocrinology, 85: 210-214. PDF
A. Lefevre, R. Mottolese, J. Redoute, N. Costes, D. Le Bars, M.M. Geoffray, M. Leboyer, A. Sirigu (2017) Oxytocin Fails to Recruit Serotonergic Neurotransmission in the Autistic Brain, Cereb Cortex, DOI 10.1093/cercor/bhx272, 1-10.
M. Costa, G. Lio, A. Gomez, A. Sirigu (2017) How components of facial width to height ratio differently contribute to the perception of social traits, PloS one, 12: e0172739. PDF
A. Lefevre, N. Richard, M. Jazayeri, P.A. Beuriat, S. Fieux, L. Zimmer, J.R. Duhamel, A. Sirigu (2017) Oxytocin and Serotonin Brain Mechanisms in the Nonhuman Primate, J Neurosci, 37: 6741-6750. PDF
A. Lefevre, R. Mottolese, M. Dirheimer, C. Mottolese, J.R. Duhamel, A. Sirigu (2017) A comparison of methods to measure central and peripheral oxytocin concentrations in human and non-human primates, Sci Rep, 7: 17222. PDF
R. Vallat, B. Chatard, M. Blagrove, P. Ruby (2017) Characteristics of the memory sources of dreams: A new version of the content-matching paradigm to take mundane and remote memories into account, PloS one, 12: e0185262. PDF
R. Vallat, T. Lajnef, J.B. Eichenlaub, C. Berthomier, K. Jerbi, D. Morlet, P.M. Ruby (2017) Increased Evoked Potentials to Arousing Auditory Stimuli during Sleep: Implication for the Understanding of Dream Recall, Front Hum Neurosci, 11: 132. PDF
L.A. Sapey-Triomphe, A. Moulin, S. Sonie, C. Schmitz (2017) The Glasgow Sensory Questionnaire: Validation of a French Language Version and Refinement of Sensory Profiles of People with High Autism-Spectrum Quotient, J Autism Dev Disord, DOI 10.1007/s10803-017-3422-8.
A. Moulin, A. Bernard, L. Tordella, J. Vergne, A. Gisbert, C. Martin, C. Richard (2017) Variability of word discrimination scores in clinical practice and consequences on their sensitivity to hearing loss, Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol, 274: 2117-2124.
T. Lajnef, C. O'Reilly, E. Combrisson, S. Chaibi, J.B. Eichenlaub, P.M. Ruby, P.E. Aguera, M. Samet, A. Kachouri, S. Frenette, J. Carrier, K. Jerbi (2017) Meet Spinky: An Open-Source Spindle and K-Complex Detection Toolbox Validated on the Open-Access Montreal Archive of Sleep Studies (MASS), Front Neuroinform, 11: 15. PDF
A.S. Hincapie, J. Kujala, J. Mattout, A. Pascarella, S. Daligault, C. Delpuech, D. Mery, D. Cosmelli, K. Jerbi (2017) The impact of MEG source reconstruction method on source-space connectivity estimation: A comparison between minimum-norm solution and beamforming, Neuroimage, 156: 29-42. PDF
E. Combrisson, R. Vallat, J.B. Eichenlaub, C. O'Reilly, T. Lajnef, A. Guillot, P.M. Ruby, K. Jerbi (2017) Sleep: An Open-Source Python Software for Visualization, Analysis, and Staging of Sleep Data, Front Neuroinform, 11: 60. PDF
G. Chetelat, F. Mezenge, C. Tomadesso, B. Landeau, E. Arenaza-Urquijo, G. Rauchs, C. Andre, R. de Flores, S. Egret, J. Gonneaud, G. Poisnel, A. Chocat, A. Quillard, B. Desgranges, J.G. Bloch, M. Ricard, A. Lutz (2017) Reduced age-associated brain changes in expert meditators: a multimodal neuroimaging pilot study, Sci Rep, 7: 10160. PDF
C. Baquedano, R. Vergara, V. Lopez, C. Fabar, D. Cosmelli, A. Lutz (2017) Compared to self-immersion, mindful attention reduces salivation and automatic food bias, Sci Rep, 7: 13839. PDF
C. Charoy, S. Dinvaut, Y. Chaix, L. Morle, I. Sanyas, M. Bozon, K. Kindbeiter, B. Durand, J.M. Skidmore, L. De Groef, M. Seki, L. Moons, C. Ruhrberg, J.F. Martin, D.M. Martin, J. Falk, V. Castellani (2017) Genetic specification of left-right asymmetry in the diaphragm muscles and their motor innervation, Elife, 6. PDF
L. Boubakar, J. Falk, H. Ducuing, K. Thoinet, F. Reynaud, E. Derrington, V. Castellani (2017) Molecular Memory of Morphologies by Septins during Neuron Generation Allows Early Polarity Inheritance, Neuron, 95: 834-851 e835. PDF
C. Delloye-Bourgeois, L. Bertin, K. Thoinet, L. Jarrosson, K. Kindbeiter, T. Buffet, S. Tauszig-Delamasure, M. Bozon, A. Marabelle, V. Combaret, C. Bergeron, E. Derrington, V. Castellani (2017) Microenvironment-Driven Shift of Cohesion/Detachment Balance within Tumors Induces a Switch toward Metastasis in Neuroblastoma, Cancer Cell, 32: 427-443 e428. PDF
L. Tallot, L. Diaz-Mataix, R.E. Perry, K. Wood, J.E. LeDoux, A.M. Mouly, R.M. Sullivan, V. Doyere (2017) Updating of aversive memories after temporal error detection is differentially modulated by mTOR across development, Learn Mem, 24: 115-122. PDF
P. Litaudon, C. Bouillot, L. Zimmer, N. Costes, N. Ravel (2017) Activity in the rat olfactory cortex is correlated with behavioral response to odor: a microPET study, Brain structure & function, 222: 577-586.
J. Boulanger-Bertolus, M. Rincon-Cortes, R.M. Sullivan, A.M. Mouly (2017) Understanding pup affective state through ethologically significant ultrasonic vocalization frequency, Sci Rep, 7: 13483. PDF
C. Victorri-Vigneau, A. Spiers, P. Caillet, M. Bruneau, I. consortium, G. Challet-Bouju, M. Grall-Bronnec (2017) Opioid antagonists for pharmacological treatment of gambling disorder: Are they relevant? Curr Neuropharmacol, DOI 10.2174/1570159X15666170718144058. PDF
R. Girard, E. Metereau, J. Thomas, M. Pugeat, C. Qu, J.C. Dreher (2017) Hormone therapy at early post-menopause increases cognitive control-related prefrontal activity, Sci Rep, 7: 44917. PDF
R. Ligneul, R. Girard, J.C. Dreher (2017) Social brains and divides: the interplay between social dominance orientation and the neural sensitivity to hierarchical ranks, Sci Rep, 7: 45920. PDF
T. Bortolini, P. Bado, S. Hoefle, A. Engel, R. Zahn, R. de Oliveira Souza, J.C. Dreher, J. Moll (2017) Neural bases of ingroup altruistic motivation in soccer fans, Sci Rep, 7: 16122. PDF
S.A. Park, S. Goiame, D.A. O'Connor, J.C. Dreher (2017) Integration of individual and social information for decision-making in groups of different sizes, PLoS Biol, 15: e2001958. PDF
C. Qu, R. Ligneul, J.B. Van der Henst, J.C. Dreher (2017) An Integrative Interdisciplinary Perspective on Social Dominance Hierarchies, Trends in cognitive sciences, 21: 893-908.
G. Challet-Bouju, M. Bruneau, I. Group, C. Victorri-Vigneau, M. Grall-Bronnec (2017) Cognitive Remediation Interventions for Gambling Disorder: A Systematic Review, Front Psychol, 8: 1961. PDF
N. Kleinsz, A. Potocki, J. Ecalle, A. Magnan (2017) Profiles of French poor readers: Underlying difficulties and effects of computerized training programs, Learning and individual differences, 57: 45-57.
M. Lesourd, J. Baumard, C. Jarry, F. Etcharry-Bouyx, D. Le Gall, J. Osiuak (2017) Les multiples facettes des pantomimes d’utilisation d’outils, Rev Neuropsychol, 9 : 118-123.
K. Roche, H. Chainay (2017) Is there a Competition between Functional and Situational Affordances during Action Initiation with Everyday Tools? Front Psychol, 8: 1073. PDF
J. Virgo, J. Pillon, J. Navarro, E. Reynaud, F. Osiurak (2017) Are you sure you’re faster when using a cognitive tool? Am J Psychol, 130: 493-503.
J. Navarro, E. Reynaud, C. Gabaude (2017) Eye movement analysis in dynamic scenes: presentation and application of different methods in bend taking during car driving, Le travail humain, 80: 307-330. PDF
F. Osiurak (2017) What is the future for tool-specific generalized motor programs? Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 16: 701-708.
J. Navarro (2017) Human-machine interaction theories and lane departure warnings, Theoretical issues in ergonomics science, 18: 519-547
M. Francois, P. Crave, F. Osiurak, A. Fort, J. Navarro (2017) Digital, analogue, or redundant speedometers for truck driving: Impact on visual distraction, efficiency and usability, Appl Ergon, 65: 12-22.
M. Francois, F. Osiurak, A. Fort, P. Crave, J. Navarro (2017) Automotive HMI design and participatory user involvement: review and perspectives, Ergonomics, 60: 541-552. PDF
G.A. Michael, I. Tapiero, G. Galvez-Garcia, L. Jacquot (2017) Thoughts and sensations, twin galaxies of the inner space: The propensity to mind-wander relates to spontaneous sensations arising on the hands, Conscious Cogn, 55: 223-231.
G. Plancher, Y. Leveque, L. Fanuel, G. Piquandet, B. Tillmann (2017) Boosting Maintenance in Working Memory With Temporal Regularities, J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn, DOI 10.1037/xlm0000481.
G. Plancher, H. Boyer, B. Lemaire, S. Portrat (2017) Under Which Conditions Can Older Participants Maintain Information In Working Memory?, Exp Aging Res, 43: 409-429.
F. Osiurak (2017) Cognitive paleoanthropology and technology: Toward a parsimonious theory (PATH), Review of General Psychology, 21: 292-307.
C. Couffe, G.A. Michael (2017) Failures Due to Interruptions or Distractions: A Review and a New Framework, Am J Psychol, 130: 163-181.
A. Magnan, J. Ecalle (2017) Grapho-syllabic processing and phonological discrimination in children with dyslexia: from basic research to remediation., ANAE - Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant, 29: 344-352.
J. Navarro, J. Deniel, E. Yousfi, C. Jallais, M. Bueno, A. Fort (2017) Influence of lane departure warnings onset and reliability on car drivers' behaviors, Appl Ergon, 59: 123-131. PDF
S. Colin, J. Ecalle, E. Truy, G. Lina-Granade, A. Magnan (2017) Effect of age at cochlear implantation and at exposure to Cued Speech on literacy skills in deaf children, Res Dev Disabil, 71: 61-69.
A. Potocki, M. Sanchez, J. Ecalle, A. Magnan (2017) Linguistic and Cognitive Profiles of 8- to 15-Year-Old Children With Specific Reading Comprehension Difficulties, J Learn Disabil, 50: 128-142.
S. Danel, F. Osiurak, A.M.P. von Bayern (2017) From the Age of 5 Humans Decide Economically, Whereas Crows Exhibit Individual Preferences, Sci Rep, 7: 17043. PDF
M. Lesourd, J. Navarro, J. Baumard, C. Jarry, D. Le Gall, F. Osiurak (2017) Imitation and matching of meaningless gestures: distinct involvement from motor and visual imagery, Psychol Res, 81: 525-537.
M. Lesourd, J. Baumard, C. Jarry, D. Le Gall, F. Osiurak (2017) A cognitive-based model of tool use in normal aging, Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn, 24: 363-386. PDF
M. Lesourd, J. Baumard, C. Jarry, F. Etcharry-Bouyx, S. Belliard, O. Moreaud, B. Croisile, V. Chauvire, M. Granjon, D. Le Gall, F. Osiurak (2017) Rethinking the Cognitive Mechanisms Underlying Pantomime of Tool Use: Evidence from Alzheimer's Disease and Semantic Dementia, J Int Neuropsychol Soc, 23: 128-138.
M. Lesourd, F. Osiurak, J. Navarro, E. Reynaud (2017) Involvement of the Left Supramarginal Gyrus in Manipulation Judgment Tasks: Contributions to Theories of Tool Use, J Int Neuropsychol Soc, 23: 685-691.
F. Osiurak, M. Granjon, I. Bonnevie, J. Brogniart, L. Mechtouff, A. Benoit, N. Nighoghossian, M. Lesourd (2017) Novel Tool Selection in Left Brain-Damaged Patients With Apraxia of Tool Use: A Study of Three Cases, J Int Neuropsychol Soc, DOI 10.1017/S135561771700131X, 1-6.
F. Osiurak, A. Badets (2017) Use of tools and misuse of embodied cognition: Reply to Buxbaum, Psychol Rev, 124: 361-368.
A. Badets, F. Osiurak (2017) The ideomotor recycling theory for tool use, language, and foresight, Exp Brain Res, 235: 365-377.
A. Badets, T. Michelet, A. de Rugy, F. Osiurak (2017) Creating semantics in tool use, Cogn Process, 18: 129-134.
N. Mavromatis, C. Neige, M. Gagne, K.T. Reilly, C. Mercier (2017) Effect of Experimental Hand Pain on Training-Induced Changes in Motor Performance and Corticospinal Excitability, Brain Sci, 7. PDF
S. Schintu, I. Patane, M. Caldano, R. Salemme, K.T. Reilly, L. Pisella, A. Farne (2017) The asymmetrical effect of leftward and rightward prisms on intact visuospatial cognition, Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior, 97: 23-31. PDF
P. Azouvi, S. Jacquin-Courtois, J. Luaute (2017) Rehabilitation of unilateral neglect: Evidence-based medicine, Ann Phys Rehabil Med, 60: 191-197. PDF
J.H. Bultitude, A. Farne, R. Salemme, D. Ibarrola, C. Urquizar, J. O'Shea, J. Luaute (2017) Studying the neural bases of prism adaptation using fMRI: A technical and design challenge, Behav Res Methods, 49: 2031-2043. PDF
F. Osiurak, Y. Rossetti, A. Badets (2017) What is an affordance? 40 years later, Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 77: 403-417.
J. O'Shea, P. Revol, H. Cousijn, J. Near, P. Petitet, S. Jacquin-Courtois, H. Johansen-Berg, G. Rode, Y. Rossetti (2017) Induced sensorimotor cortex plasticity remediates chronic treatment-resistant visual neglect, Elife, 6. PDF
S. Jacquin-Courtois, L. Christophe, E. Chabanat, K.T. Reilly, Y. Rossetti (2017) Unilateral chronic pain may neglect the healthy side, Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior, 90: 163-165.
C. Guedj, D. Meunier, M. Meunier, F. Hadj-Bouziane (2017) Could LC-NE-Dependent Adjustment of Neural Gain Drive Functional Brain Network Reorganization? Neural Plast, 2017: 4328015. PDF
S. Kobaiter-Maarrawi, J. Maarrawi, N. Saade, L. Garcia-Larrea, M. Magnin (2017) Differential effect of motor cortex stimulation on unit activities in the ventral posterior lateral thalamus in cats, Pain, DOI 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001080.
N. Andre-Obadia, M. Magnin, E. Simon, L. Garcia-Larrea (2017) Somatotopic effects of rTMS in neuropathic pain? A comparison between stimulation over hand and face motor areas, Eur J Pain, DOI 10.1002/ejp.1156.
C. Fauchon, I. Faillenot, A.M. Perrin, C. Borg, V. Pichot, F. Chouchou, L. Garcia-Larrea, R. Peyron (2017) Does an observer's empathy influence my pain? Effect of perceived empathetic or unempathetic support on a pain test, Eur J Neurosci, 46: 2629-2637.
Y. Loheac, H. Alia, C. Bazart, M. Ali Bchir, S. Blondel, M. Bonescu, A. Bornier, J. Brouard, N. Chappe, F. Cochard, A. Flage, F. Galeotti, X. Hollandts, A. Hopfensitz, N. Jacquemet, F. Le lec, M. Lefebvre, M. Leplat, C. Mantilla, G. Mateu, G. Peron, E. Petit, E. Raiber, J. Rosaz, A. Rozan, J.C. Tisserand, M.C. Villeval, A. Zylbersztejn, M. Willinger, A. Sutan (2017) Mise en place d'une expérience avec le grand public : entre recherche, vulgarisation et pédagogie., Revue Economique, 5 : 193-206. PDF
L. Lévy-Garboua, C. Montmarquette, J. Vaksmann, M.C. Villeval (2017) Voluntary Contributions to a Mutual Insurance Pool, Journal of public Economic theory, 19: 198-218.
M.A. Kuhn, P. Kuhn, M.C. Villeval (2017) Decision-environment effects on intertemporal financial choices: How relevant are resource-depletion models? Journal of economic behaviour and organisation, 13: 72-89. PDF
H. He, M.C. Villeval (2017) Are group members less inequality averse than individual decision makers? Journal of economic behaviour and organisation, 138: 111-124. PDF
L. Gangadharan, N. Nikiforakis, M.C. Villeval (2017) Normative conflict and the limits of self-governance in heterogeneous populations, European Economic Review, 100: 143-156. PDF
F. Galeotti, R. Kline, R. Orsini (2017) When foul play seems fair: Exploring the link between just deserts and honesty, Journal of economic behaviour and organisation, 142: 451-467. PDF
T. Eriksson, L. Mao, M.C. Villeval (2017) Saving face and group identity, Experimental Economics, 20: 622-647.
D. Dragone, F. Galeotti, R. Orsini (2017) Non-Monetary Feedback Induces more Cooperation: Students and Workers in a Voluntary Contribution Mechanism, Revue Economique, 5: 55-71.
Z. Dai, F. Galeotti, M.C. Villeval (2017) The efficiency of crackdowns: a lab-in-the-field experiment in public transportations, Theory and Decision, 82: 249-271. PDF
G. Charness, M.C. Villeval (2017) Behavioural economics: Preserving rank as a social norm, Nature Human Behavior, 1.
C. Bravard, L. Charroin, C. Touati (2017) Optimal design and defense of networks under link attacks, Journal of mathematical Economics, 68: 62-79. PDF
B. Boulu-Reshef, S.H. Brott, A. Zylbersztejn (2017) Does Uncertainty Deter Provision to the Public Good? Revue Economique, 68: 248. PDF
Y. Tapponnier, M. Afanassieff, I. Aksoy, M. Aubry, A. Moulin, L. Medjani, W. Bouchereau, C. Mayere, P. Osteil, J. Nurse-Francis, I. Oikonomakos, T. Joly, L. Jouneau, C. Archilla, B. Schmaltz-Panneau, N. Peynot, H. Barasc, A. Pinton, J. Lecardonnel, E. Gocza, N. Beaujean, V. Duranthon, P. Savatier (2017) Reprogramming of rabbit induced pluripotent stem cells toward epiblast and chimeric competency using Kruppel-like factors, Stem Cell Res, 24: 106-117. PDF
P. Savatier, P. Osteil, P.P. Tam (2017) Pluripotency of embryo-derived stem cells from rodents, lagomorphs, and primates: Slippery slope, terrace and cliff, Stem Cell Res, 19: 104-112. PDF
L. Garcia-Larrea, H. Bastuji (2017) Pain and consciousness, Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry, DOI 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2017.10.007.
A.E. Rey, G.A. Michael, C. Dondas, M. Thar, L. Garcia-Larrea, S. Mazza (2017) Pain dilates time perception, Sci Rep, 7: 15682. PDF
C. Bradley, H. Bastuji, L. Garcia-Larrea (2017) Evidence-based source modeling of nociceptive cortical responses: A direct comparison of scalp and intracranial activity in humans, Human brain mapping, 38: 6083-6095.
R.M. Fame, C. Dehay, H. Kennedy, J.D. Macklis (2017) Subtype-Specific Genes that Characterize Subpopulations of Callosal Projection Neurons in Mouse Identify Molecularly Homologous Populations in Macaque Cortex, Cereb Cortex, 27: 1817-1830. PDF
D. Delaunay, A. Kawaguchi, C. Dehay, F. Matsuzaki (2017) Division modes and physical asymmetry in cerebral cortex progenitors, Curr Opin Neurobiol, 42: 75-83. PDF
M. Saignavongs, C. Ciumas, M. Petton, R. Bouet, S. Boulogne, S. Rheims, D.W. Carmichael, J.P. Lachaux, P. Ryvlin (2017) Neural Activity Elicited by a Cognitive Task can be Detected in Single-Trials with Simultaneous Intracerebral EEG-fMRI Recordings, Int J Neural Syst, 27: 1750001.
C. Hirel, N. Nighoghossian, Y. Leveque, S. Hannoun, L. Fornoni, S. Daligault, P. Bouchet, J. Jung, B. Tillmann, A. Caclin (2017) Verbal and musical short-term memory: Variety of auditory disorders after stroke, Brain and cognition, 113: 10-22.
E. Combrisson, M. Perrone-Bertolotti, J.L. Soto, G. Alamian, P. Kahane, J.P. Lachaux, A. Guillot, K. Jerbi (2017) From intentions to actions: Neural oscillations encode motor processes through phase, amplitude and phase-amplitude coupling, Neuroimage, 147: 473-487. PDF
J. Bastin, P. Deman, O. David, M. Gueguen, D. Benis, L. Minotti, D. Hoffman, E. Combrisson, J. Kujala, M. Perrone-Bertolotti, P. Kahane, J.P. Lachaux, K. Jerbi (2017) Direct Recordings from Human Anterior Insula Reveal its Leading Role within the Error-Monitoring Network, Cereb Cortex, DOI 10.1093/cercor/bhv352. PDF
J. Navarro, F. Osiurak (2017) The more intelligent people are, the more they use tools, Psychologie Française, 62: 85-91.
A.A. Sava, P. Krolak-Salmon, F. Delphin-Combe, M. Cloarec, H. Chainay (2017) Memory for faces with emotional expressions in Alzheimer's disease and healthy older participants: positivity effect is not only due to familiarity, Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn, 24: 1-28.
A.E. Rey, B. Riou, G.T. Vallet, R. Versace (2017) The automatic visual simulation of words: A memory reactivated mask slows down conceptual access, Can J Exp Psychol, 71: 14-22.
S. Wirth, P. Baraduc, A. Plante, S. Pinede, J.R. Duhamel (2017) Gaze-informed, task-situated representation of space in primate hippocampus during virtual navigation, PLoS Biol, 15: e2001045. PDF
L. Boisselier, B. Ferry, R. Gervais (2017) Respective role of the dorsal hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex during the recombination of previously learned olfactory-tactile associations in the rat, Learn Mem, 24: 24-34. PDF
K.K. Loh, M. Petrides, W.D. Hopkins, E. Procyk, C. Amiez (2017) Cognitive control of vocalizations in the primate ventrolateral-dorsomedial frontal (VLF-DMF) brain network, Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 82: 32-44.