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CORTEX Call 2021
LabEx CORTEX is funding 5 collaborative research projects submitted in 2021 :- Investigating the brain rhythms subserving attention spotlight dynamics using high resolution MEG by M. Bonnefond (CRNL), J. Mattout (CRNL) et S. Ben Hamed (ISCMJ)
- Physio-pathological development of enteric cirvuits by V. Castellani and N. Peretti (CarMeN Laboratory)
- The sweet side of glia-to-neuron reprogramming: a crucial role of OGT in metabolic and transcriptomic network rewiring? by C. Heinrich (SBRI), J. Courchet (INMG), M. Zeisel (CRCL)
- InfantBlink by J.R. Hochmann (ISCMJ) and O. Claris (HFME)
- From mechanisms to clinical applications of Transcranial Ultrasound Stimulation, by J. Sallet (SBRI), J. Brunelin (CRNL), A. N'Djin (LabTAU)