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CORTEX conference by Charles Gray
On The June 27, 2013
Amphi ISC
67, bd Pinel
69500 Bron
67, bd Pinel
69500 Bron
Dynamics of Cortico-cortical Interactions Underlying Visual Working Memory
It is well established that perceptual and cognitive processes involve the coordinated activity of large populations of neurons distributed over multiple cortical regions. However, we remain surprisingly ignorant of the spatio-temporal organization of these processes, their underlying neuronal mechanisms, and their relation to behavior. This gap in understanding stems largely from the complex and non-stationary nature of distributed cortical activity and from technical limitations in our ability to make appropriate electrophysiological measurements. In my presentation, I will present new experimental findings, from large-scale, multi-electrode recordings in macaque monkeys, demonstrating content-specific spatiotemporal patterns of coherent activity across the cortical network during visual working memory.