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Mu-ming Poo receives the insignia of Docteur Honoris Causa from UCBL
On The February 14, 2019
The University Claude Bernard bestowed the insignia of Docteur Honoris Causa to the Professor Poo, head of the Institute of Neuroscience in Shanghai and member of the Chinese Academy of Science. The ceremony took place on February 14th, in the Salle des Thèses of Rockefeller building.
Professor Poo is a World-renowned neuroscientist who has held illustrious positions in the United States including the University of California, Berkeley where he has mentored numerous students who in turn have made seminal contributions. He is a member of the US national Academy of Science and has received numerous honors and awards for his work on protein mobility in the cell membrane, axon guidance and neuronal polarization, synapse formation, and synaptic plasticity. In 1999 Professor Poo turned to his home country, China, to take up the Directorship of the Institute of Neuroscience at Shanghai. His energy and foresight has turned the IoN into the powerhouse of Chinese neuroscience. His charismatic leadership has greatly contributed to creating and inspiring a dynamic and fast evolving field of neuroscience research and education throughout China. He has brought to China a highly inspired vision, the development of a macaque model for probing the mysteries of the brain. This has led in an extraordinary short period of time to the development of transgenic non-human primate models of health and disease, which are now transforming international perspectives on neuroscience.