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Kamela Nikolla
January 28, 2020
9.00 am - ISC
Recent advances in deciphering the molecular diversity of the developing cortex at the single cell RNA-seq resolution: implications for understanding areal specification
The cytoarchitectural and functional construction of the mammalian cerebral cortex, including its compartmentation in distinct areas is a long-standing question in developmental neurobiology. The exponentially growing single cell RNA-seq approaches has opened a new era for answering some of the fundamental questions concerning the mechanisms that specify the developing cortex identity. I will review recent studies1–3 by Pollen et al 2015, Nowakowski et al 2017, Oberst P et al 2019 that have provided significant progress in the understanding of the emergence of cell diversity in a spatiotemporal framework. Together, they suggest that areal specification requires complex and fine-tuned mechanisms. I will then focus on my preliminary DropSeq4 experiment results in the fetal macaque developing cortex at midcorticogenesis.
References :
1.Pollen, A. A. et al. Molecular Identity of Human Outer Radial Glia during Cortical Development. Cell 163, 55–67 (2015)
2.Nowakowski, T. J. et al. Spatiotemporal gene expression trajectories reveal developmental hierarchies of the human cortex. Science 358, 1318–1323 (2017)
3.Oberst, P. et al. Temporal plasticity of apical progenitors in the developing mouse neocortex. Nature 573, 370–374 (2019)
4.Macosko, E. Z. et al. Highly Parallel Genome-wide Expression Profiling of Individual Cells Using Nanoliter Droplets. Cell 161, 1202–1214 (2015)