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2019 - The dynamic and flexible nature of memories
From June 6, 2019 to June 7, 2019
This meeting aims at gathering world leader memory specialists that investigate the dynamic and flexible nature of episodic memories. Traditionally, memory has been seen as a storehouse into which discrete items of information are deposited and then retrieved. Over the last decades, this view has been challenged and the idea of an adaptive memory, not stable but fundamentally dynamic, has gained some credence. There is now striking evidence that episodic memory, defined as the memory of autobiographical specific experiences that occurred in a multidimensional context, is first processed and reinforced during consolidation and then updated, strengthened, or weakened through reconsolidation. During this meeting we will notably shed light upon multiple processes that can induce or act on these time-limited reconsolidation windows where existing memories are vulnerable to modifications.
Website of the event

Musée des Beaux Arts de Lyon
20 place des Terreaux
69001 Lyon
Website of the event
Musée des Beaux Arts de Lyon
20 place des Terreaux
69001 Lyon