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publications 2019
M.C. Villeval (2019) Unethical behavior and moral strategies, Revue économique, 70: 1021-1046.
I. Soraperra, A. Suvorov, J. Van de Ven, M.C. Villeval (2019) Doing bad to look good: Negative consequences of image concerns on pro-social behavior, Revue économique, 70: 945-966.
S. Becker, A.K. Brascher, S. Bannister, M. Bensafi, D. Calma-Birling, R.C.K. Chan, T. Eerola, D.M. Ellingsen, C. Ferdenzi, J.L. Hanson, M. Joffily, N.K. Lidhar, L.J. Lowe, L.J. Martin, E.D. Musser, M. Noll-Hussong, T.M. Olino, R. Pintos Lobo, Y. Wang (2019) The role of hedonics in the Human Affectome, Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 102: 221-241.
E. Cavalli, P. Cole, H. Brethes, E. Lefevre, S. Lascombe, J.L. Velay (2019) E-book reading hinders aspects of long-text comprehension for adults with dyslexia, Ann Dyslexia, 69: 243-259.
B. Alexandre, J. Navarro, E. Reynaud, F. Osiurak (2019) Which cognitive tools do we prefer to use, and is that preference rational? Cognition, 186: 108-114.
Y. Arai, A.W. Cwetsch, E. Coppola, S. Cipriani, H. Nishihara, H. Kanki, Y. Saillour, B. Freret-Hodara, A. Dutriaux, N. Okada, H. Okano, C. Dehay, J. Nardelli, P. Gressens, T. Shimogori, G. D'Onofrio, A. Pierani (2019) Evolutionary Gain of Dbx1 Expression Drives Subplate Identity in the Cerebral Cortex, Cell Rep, 29: 645-658 e645.
K. Khalvati, S.A. Park, S. Mirbagheri, R. Philippe, M. Sestito, J.C. Dreher, R.P.N. Rao (2019) Modeling other minds: Bayesian inference explains human choices in group decision-making, Sci Adv, 5: eaax8783.
J. Plailly, M. Villalba, R. Vallat, A. Nicolas, P. Ruby (2019) Incorporation of fragmented visuo-olfactory episodic memory into dreams and its association with memory performance, Sci Rep, 9: 15687.
N. Fourcaud-Trocme, L. Lefevre, S. Garcia, B. Messaoudi, N. Buonviso (2019) High beta rhythm amplitude in olfactory learning signs a well-consolidated and non-flexible behavioral state, Sci Rep, 9: 20259.
E. Courtiol, N. Buonviso, P. Litaudon (2019) Odorant features differentially modulate beta/gamma oscillatory patterns in anterior versus posterior piriform cortex, Neuroscience, 409: 26-34.
C. Fauchon, I. Faillenot, C. Quesada, D. Meunier, F. Chouchou, L. Garcia-Larrea, R. Peyron (2019) Brain activity sustaining the modulation of pain by empathetic comments, Sci Rep, 9: 8398.
L. Garcia-Larrea, C. Perchet, K. Hagiwara, N. Andre-Obadia (2019) At-Home Cortical Stimulation for Neuropathic Pain: a Feasibility Study with Initial Clinical Results, Neurotherapeutics, 16: 1198-1209.
K. Hagiwara, J. Isnard, R. Peyron, L. Garcia-Larrea (2019) Theta-burst-induced seizures reported by Lenoir et al.: Anterior or posterior insular seizures? Brain stimulation, 12: 200-201.
R. Vignoles, C. Lentini, M. d'Orange, C. Heinrich (2019) Direct Lineage Reprogramming for Brain Repair: Breakthroughs and Challenges, Trends Mol Med, 25: 897-914.
F. Devinck, K. Knoblauch (2019) Central mechanisms of perceptual filling-in, Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 30: 135-140.
D.C. Van Essen, C.J. Donahue, T.S. Coalson, H. Kennedy, T. Hayashi, M.F. Glasser (2019) Cerebral cortical folding, parcellation, and connectivity in humans, nonhuman primates, and mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 116: 26173-26180.
I. Senna, L. Cardinali, A. Farne, C. Brozzoli (2019) Aim and Plausibility of Action Chains Remap Peripersonal Space, Front Psychol, 10: 1681.
Y. Rossetti, S. Kitazawa, T. Nijboer (2019) Prism adaptation: From rehabilitation to neural bases. Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior, 111: A1-A6.
P. Revol, S. Collette, Z. Boulot, A. Foncelle, C. Niki, D. Thura, A. Imai, S. Jacquin-Courtois, M. Cabanac, F. Osiurak, Y. Rossetti (2019) Thirst for Intention? Grasping a Glass Is a Thirst-Controlled Action, Front Psychol, 10: 1248.
C. Guedj, A. Reynaud, E. Monfardini, R. Salemme, A. Farne, M. Meunier, F. Hadj-Bouziane (2019) Atomoxetine modulates the relationship between perceptual abilities and response bias, Psychopharmacology (Berl), 236: 3641-3653.
L. Fleury, C. Prablanc, A.E. Priot (2019) Do prism and other adaptation paradigms really measure the same processes? Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior, 119: 480-496.
E. Chabanat, S. Jacquin-Courtois, L. Have, C. Kihoulou, C. Tilikete, F. Mauguiere, S. Rheims, Y. Rossetti (2019) Can you guess the colour of this moving object? A dissociation between colour and motion in blindsight, Neuropsychologia, 128: 204-208.
C. Amiez, E. Procyk (2019) Midcingulate somatomotor and autonomic functions, Handb Clin Neurol, 166: 53-71.
F. Gonnot, D. Langer, P.Y. Bourillot, N. Doerflinger, P. Savatier (2019) Regulation of Cyclin E by transcription factors of the naive pluripotency network in mouse embryonic stem cells, Cell Cycle, 18: 2697-2712.
B. Pasquereau, L. Tremblay, R.S. Turner (2019) Local Field Potentials Reflect Dopaminergic and Non-Dopaminergic Activities within the Primate Midbrain, Neuroscience, 399: 167-183.
A. Pignata, H. Ducuing, L. Boubakar, T. Gardette, K. Kindbeiter, M. Bozon, S. Tauszig-Delamasure, J. Falk, O. Thoumine, V. Castellani (2019) A Spatiotemporal Sequence of Sensitization to Slits and Semaphorins Orchestrates Commissural Axon Navigation, Cell Rep, 29: 347-362 e345.
S. Ballesta, G. Reymond, J.R. Duhamel (2019) Short-Term Reciprocity in Macaque's Social Decision-Making, Front Behav Neurosci, 13: 225.
A. Pralus, L. Fornoni, R. Bouet, M. Gomot, A. Bhatara, B. Tillmann, A. Caclin (2019) Emotional prosody in congenital amusia: Impaired and spared processes, Neuropsychologia, 134: 107234.
J.E. Graves, A. Pralus, L. Fornoni, A.J. Oxenham, A. Caclin, B. Tillmann (2019) Short- and long-term memory for pitch and non-pitch contours: Insights from congenital amusia, Brain and cognition, 136: 103614
P. Albouy, A. Caclin, S.V. Norman-Haignere, Y. Leveque, I. Peretz, B. Tillmann, R.J. Zatorre (2019) Decoding Task-Related Functional Brain Imaging Data to Identify Developmental Disorders: The Case of Congenital Amusia, Front Neurosci, 13: 1165.
L.E. Miller, C. Fabio, V. Ravenda, S. Bahmad, E. Koun, R. Salemme, J. Luaute, N. Bolognini, V. Hayward, A. Farne (2019) Somatosensory Cortex Efficiently Processes Touch Located Beyond the Body, Current biology, 29: 4276-4283 e4275.
A. Chapon, C. Perchet, L. Garcia-Larrea, M. Frot (2019) Hyperalgesia when observing pain-related images is a genuine bias in perception and enhances autonomic responses, Sci Rep, 9: 15266.
J. Nicolas, A. Bidet-Caulet, D. Pelisson (2019) Inducing oculomotor plasticity to disclose the functional link between voluntary saccades and endogenous attention deployed perifoveally. Sci Rep, 9: 17770.
G. Lio, R. Fadda, G. Doneddu, J.R. Duhamel, A. Sirigu (2019) Digit-tracking as a new tactile interface for visual perception analysis, Nature communications, 10: 5392.
G. Attanasi, C. Rimbaud, M.C. Villeval (2019) Embezzlement and guilt aversion, Journal of economic behaviour and organisation, 167: 409-429.
S.A. Park, M. Sestito, E.D. Boorman, J.C. Dreher (2019) Neural computations underlying strategic social decision-making in groups, Nature communications, 10: 5287.
K. Khalvati, S.A. Park, S. Mirbagheri, R. Philippe, M. Sestito, J.C. Dreher, R.P.N. Rao (2019) Modeling other minds: Bayesian inference explains human choices in group decision-making, Sci Adv, 5: eaax8783.
L.A. Sapey-Triomphe, F. Lamberton, S. Sonie, J. Mattout, C. Schmitz (2019) Tactile hypersensitivity and GABA concentration in the sensorimotor cortex of adults with autism, Autism Res, 12: 562-575.
M. Petton, M. Perrone-Bertolotti, D. Mac-Auliffe, O. Bertrand, P.E. Aguera, F. Sipp, M. Batthacharjee, J. Isnard, L. Minotti, S. Rheims, P. Kahane, V. Herbillon, J.P. Lachaux (2019) BLAST: A short computerized test to measure the ability to stay on task. Normative behavioral data and detailed cortical dynamics, Neuropsychologia, 134.
A. Moulin, J. Vergne, S. Gallego, C. Micheyl (2019) A New Speech, Spatial, and Qualities of Hearing Scale Short-Form: Factor, Cluster, and Comparative Analyses, Ear Hear, 40: 938-950.
R. Masson, A. Bidet-Caulet (2019) Fronto-central P3a to distracting sounds: An index of their arousing properties, Neuroimage, 185: 164-180.
A. Lutz, J. Mattout, G. Pagnoni (2019) The epistemic and pragmatic value of non-action: a predictive coding perspective on meditation, Curr Opin Psychol, 28: 166-171.
F. Di Rienzo, F. Barlaam, S. Daligault, C. Delpuech, A.C. Roy, O. Bertrand, K. Jerbi, C. Schmitz (2019) Tracking the acquisition of anticipatory postural adjustments during a bimanual load-lifting task: A MEG study, Human brain mapping, 40: 2955-2966.
P. Albouy, I. Peretz, P. Bermudez, R.J. Zatorre, B. Tillmann, A. Caclin (2019) Specialized neural dynamics for verbal and tonal memory: fMRI evidence in congenital amusia, Human brain mapping, 40: 855-867.
R. Purkart, R. Versace, G.T. Vallet (2019) "Does It Improve the Mind's Eye?": Sensorimotor Simulation in Episodic Event Construction, Front Psychol, 10: 1403.
J. Navarro, F. Osiuak, O. M., L. Charrier, E. Reynaud (2019) Highly automated driving impact on drivers’ gaze behaviors during a car-following task, International Journal of human-computer interaction, 35: 1008-1017.
J. Navarro, J. Deniel, E. Yousfi, C. Jallais, M. Bueno, A. Fort (2019) Does false and missed lane departure warnings impact driving performances differently? International Journal of human-computer interaction, 35: 1292-1302.
J. Navarro (2019) A state of science on highly automated driving, Theoretical issues in ergonomics science, 20: 366-396.
M. Lesourd, C. Budriesi, F. Osiurak, P.F. Nichelli, A. Bartolo (2019) Mechanical knowledge does matter to tool use even when assessed with a non-production task: Evidence from left brain-damaged patients, J Neuropsychol, 13: 198-213.
C. Joubert, H. Chainay (2019) Effect of cognitive and aerobic training on working memory and executive function in aging, a pseudo-randomized trial: pilot study, Journal of ageing research and healthcare, 2: 46-70.
M. François, A. Fort, P. Crave, F. Osiurak, J. Navarro (2019) Gauges design on digital instrument cluster: Efficiency, visual capture, and satisfaction assessment for truck driving, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 72: 290-297.
G. Duran, F.X. Cécillon, T. Sansorgné, G.A. Michael (2019) Cold-blooded women can detect lies with greater accuracy than other women, Journal of forensic psychiatry and psychology, 30: 510-529.
S. Danel, M. van Buuren, A.M.P. von Bayern, F. Osiuak (2019) Male yellow-crowned bishops (Euplectes afer afer) acquire a novel foraging behaviour by social learning, Journal of Ethology, 37: 235-239.
G. Chedid, M.A. Wilson, C. Bedetti, A.E. Rey, G.T. Vallet, S.M. Brambati (2019) Norms of conceptual familiarity for 3,596 French nouns and their contribution in lexical decision, Behav Res Methods, 51: 2238-2247.
C. Amiez, J. Sallet, W.D. Hopkins, A. Meguerditchian, F. Hadj-Bouziane, S. Ben Hamed, C.R.E. Wilson, E. Procyk, M. Petrides (2019) Sulcal organization in the medial frontal cortex provides insights into primate brain evolution, Nature communications, 10: 3437.
A. Facchin, A. Folegatti, Y. Rossetti, A. Farne (2019) The half of the story we did not know about prism adaptation, Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior, 119: 141-157.
C. Saucet, M.C. Villeval (2019) Motivated memory in dictator games, Games and economic behavior, 117: 250-275.
D. Brent, L. Gangadharan, A. Mihut, M.C. Villeval (2019) Taxation, redistribution, and observability in social dilemmas, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 21: 826-846.
J. Benistant, M.C. Villeval (2019) Unethical behavior and group identity in contests, Journal of Economic Psychology, 72: 128—155.
G. Plancher, S. Massol, T. Dorel, H. Chainay (2019) Effect of negative emotional content on attentional maintenance in working memory, Cognition & emotion, 33: 1489-1496.
F. Osiurak, E. De Oliveira, J. Navarro, E. Reynaud (2019) The castaway island: Distinct roles of theory of mind and technical reasoning in cumulative technological culture, J Exp Psychol Gen, DOI 10.1037/xge0000614.
E. De Oliveira, E. Reynaud, F. Osiurak (2019) Roles of Technical Reasoning, Theory of Mind, Creativity, and Fluid Cognition in Cumulative Technological Culture, Hum Nat, 30: 326-340.
S. Prange, E. Metereau, A. Maillet, E. Lhommee, H. Klinger, P. Pelissier, D. Ibarrola, R.A. Heckemann, A. Castrioto, L. Tremblay, V. Sgambato, E. Broussolle, P. Krack, S. Thobois (2019) Early limbic microstructural alterations in apathy and depression in de novo Parkinson's disease, Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society, 34: 1644-1654.
C. Bascour-Sandoval, S. Salgado-Salgado, E. Gomez-Milan, J. Fernandez-Gomez, G.A. Michael, G. Galvez-Garcia (2019) Pain and Distraction According to Sensory Modalities: Current Findings and Future Directions, Pain Pract, DOI 10.1111/papr.12799.
A.R. Ribeiro Gomes, E. Olivier, H.P. Killackey, P. Giroud, M. Berland, K. Knoblauch, C. Dehay, H. Kennedy (2019) Refinement of the Primate Corticospinal Pathway During Prenatal Development, Cereb Cortex, 30: 656-671.
J. Fousse, E. Gautier, D. Patti, C. Dehay (2019) Developmental changes in interkinetic nuclear migration dynamics with respect to cell-cycle progression in the mouse cerebral cortex ventricular zone, J Comp Neurol, 527: 1545-1557.
L. Bottemanne, J.C. Dreher (2019) Vicarious Rewards Modulate the Drift Rate of Evidence Accumulation From the Drift Diffusion Model, Front Behav Neurosci, 13: 142.
Y. Li, Z. Wang, I. Boileau, J.C. Dreher, S. Gelskov, A. Genauck, J. Joutsa, V. Kaasinen, J.C. Perales, N. Romanczuk-Seiferth, C.M. Ruiz de Lara, H.R. Siebner, R.J. van Holst, T. van Timmeren, G. Sescousse (2019) Altered orbitofrontal sulcogyral patterns in gambling disorder: a multicenter study, Transl Psychiatry, 9: 186.
G. Plancher, F. Mazeres, G.T. Vallet (2019) When motion improves working memory, Memory, 27: 410-416.
J. Navarro, F. Osiuak, V. Gaujoux, M.C. Ouimet, E. Reynaud (2019) Driving under the influence: how music listening affects driving behaviors, J Vis Exp, 145: e58342.
J. Ecalle, C. Gomes, P. Auphan, L. Cros, A. Magnan (2019) Effects of policy and educational interventions intended to reduce difficulties in literacy skills in Grade 1, Studies in educational evaluation, 61: 12-20.
S. Danel, A.M.P. von Bayern, F. Osiuak (2019) Ground-hornbills (Bucorvus) show means-end understanding in a horizontal two-string discrimination task, Journal of Ethology, 37: 117-122.
J. Baumard, M. Lesourd, C. Remigereau, C. Merck, C. Jarry, F. Etcharry-Bouyx, V. Chauvire, S. Belliard, O. Moreaud, F. Osiurak, D. Le Gall (2019) The - weak - role of memory in tool use: Evidence from neurodegenerative diseases, Neuropsychologia, 129: 117-132.
P. Auphan, J. Ecalle, A. Magnan (2019) Computer-based assessment of reading ability and subtypes of readers with reading comprehension difficulties: a study in French children from G2 to G9, European Journal of Psychology of Education, 34: 641-663.
F. Osiurak, M. Lesourd, Y. Rossetti, J. Baumard (2019) Is There Really a Loss of Agency in Patients With Apraxia of Tool Use? Front Psychol, 10: 87.
A. Boris, J. Navarro, E. Reynaud, F. Osiurak (2019) Which cognitive tools do we prefer to use, and is that preference rational? Cognition, 186: 108-114.
M. Shin, A. Kitazawa, S. Yoshinaga, K. Hayashi, Y. Hirata, C. Dehay, K.I. Kubo, K. Nakajima, Both excitatory and inhibitory neurons transiently form clusters at the outermost region of the developing mammalian cerebral neocortex, J Comp Neurol, 527: 1577-1597.
M.P. Saraf, P. Balaram, F. Pifferi, H. Kennedy, J.H. Kaas (2019) The sensory thalamus and visual midbrain in mouse lemurs, J Comp Neurol, 527: 2599-2611.
A.J. Reynaud, M. Froesel, C. Guedj, S. Ben Hadj Hassen, J. Clery, M. Meunier, S. Ben Hamed, F. Hadj-Bouziane (2019) Atomoxetine improves attentional orienting in a predictive context, Neuropharmacology, 150: 59-69.
M. Martel, L. Cardinali, G. Bertonati, C. Jouffrais, L. Finos, A. Farne, A.C. Roy (2019) Somatosensory-guided tool use modifies arm representation for action, Sci Rep, 9: 5517.
P. Baraduc, J.R. Duhamel, S. Wirth (2019) Schema cells in the macaque hippocampus, Science, 363: 635-639.
X. Caldu, J. Ottino-Gonzalez, C. Sanchez-Garre, I. Hernan, E. Tor, M.J. Sender-Palacios, J.C. Dreher, M. Garolera, M.A. Jurado (2019) Effect of the catechol-O-methyltransferase Val (158) Met polymorphism on theory of mind in obesity, Eur Eat Disord Rev, 27: 401-409.
R. Suchon, M.C. Villeval (2019) The effects of status mobility and group identity on trust, Journal of economic behaviour and organisation, 163: 430-463.
E. Garbarino, R. Slonim, M.C. Villeval (2019) Loss aversion and lying, Journal of economic behaviour and organisation, 158: 379-393.
B. Corgnet, L. Martin, P. Ndodjang, A. Sutan (2019) On the merit of equal pay: Performance manipulation and incentive setting, European Economic Review, 113: 23-45.
B. Corgnet, R. Hernan-Gonzalez (2019) Revisiting the trade-off between risk and incentives: the shocking effect of random shocks? Management Science, 65: 1096-1114.
J. Beugnot, B. Fortin, G. Lacroix, M.C. Villeval (2019) Gender and peer effects on performance in social networks, European Economic Review, 113: 207-224.
R. Girard, I. Obeso, S. Thobois, S.A. Park, T. Vidal, E. Favre, M. Ulla, E. Broussolle, P. Krack, F. Durif, J.C. Dreher (2019) Wait and you shall see: sexual delay discounting in hypersexual Parkinson's disease, Brain : a journal of neurology, 142: 146-162.
M. Dupin, S. Garcia, J. Boulanger-Bertolus, N. Buonviso, A.M. Mouly (2019) New Insights from 22-kHz Ultrasonic Vocalizations to Characterize Fear Responses: Relationship with Respiration and Brain Oscillatory Dynamics, eNeuro, 6 (2): 0065-19.2019.
F. Galeotti, M. Montero, A. Poulsen (2019) Efficiency versus Equality in Bargaining, Journal of the European Economic Association, 17: 1941-1970.
C. Qu, E. Metereau, L. Butera, M.C. Villeval, J.C. Dreher (2019) Neurocomputational mechanisms at play when weighing concerns for extrinsic rewards, moral values, and social image, PLoS Biol, 17: e3000283.
C. Fauchon, I. Faillenot, C. Quesada, D. Meunier, F. Chouchou, L. Garcia-Larrea, R. Peyron (2019) Brain activity sustaining the modulation of pain by empathetic comments, Sci Rep, 9: 8398.
D. Al Koborssy, B. Palouzier-Paulignan, V. Canova, M. Thevenet, D.A. Fadool, A.K. Julliard (2019) Modulation of olfactory-driven behavior by metabolic signals: role of the piriform cortex, Brain structure & function, 224: 315-336.
C. Delloye-Bourgeois, V. Castellani (2019) Hijacking of Embryonic Programs by Neural Crest-Derived Neuroblastoma: From Physiological Migration to Metastatic Dissemination, Front Mol Neurosci, 12: 52.
J. Falk, L. Boubakar, V. Castellani (2019) Septin functions during neuro-development, a yeast perspective, Curr Opin Neurobiol, 57: 102-109.
R. Vallat, D. Meunier, A. Nicolas, P. Ruby (2019) Hard to wake up? The cerebral correlates of sleep inertia assessed using combined behavioral, EEG and fMRI measures, Neuroimage, 184: 266-278.
A.A. Sava, F. Delphin-Combe, P. Krolak-Salmon, G.A. Michael, H. Chainay (2019) First-order Affective Theory of Mind in Persons with Alzheimer's Disease and in Healthy Older Adults, Can J Aging, 38: 100-110.
Y. Saga, C.C. Ruff, L. Tremblay (2019) Disturbance of approach-avoidance behaviors in non-human primates by stimulation of the limbic territories of basal ganglia and anterior insula, Eur J Neurosci, 49: 687-700.
M.P. Saraf, P. Balaram, F. Pifferi, R. Gamanut, H. Kennedy, J.H. Kaas (2019) Architectonic features and relative locations of primary sensory and related areas of neocortex in mouse lemurs, J Comp Neurol, 527: 625-639.
H. Ducuing, T. Gardette, A. Pignata, S. Tauszig-Delamasure, V. Castellani (2019) Commissural axon navigation in the spinal cord: A repertoire of repulsive forces is in command, Semin Cell Dev Biol, 85: 3-12.